Thursday, February 21, 2008


The 2008 VA Appropriations Act provided funding so the VA could increase the beneficiary travel mileage reimbursement rate from 11 cents per mile to 28.5 cents per mile. The increase went into effect Feb. 1. This means eligible veterans will see their mileage
reimbursement more than double for travel to VA medical facilities. This increase helps veterans - especially those
living in rural areas - offset some of their gas costs as they travel to VA health care facilities.
While increasing the payment, the law required the VA also to increase the deductible amounts applied to certain
mileage reimbursements. The new deductibles are $7.77 for a one-way trip, $15.54 for a round-trip, with a maximum of
$46.62 per calendar month. However, these deductibles can be waived if they cause a financial hardship to the veteran.


Participants in the Survivor Benefit Plan should contact the
Defense Finance and Accounting Service in writing immediately upon a beneficiary’s death, a remarriage or divorce, or
when they acquire another child. Send a copy of the appropriate document to DFAS, US Military Retirement Pay, PO
Box 7130, London KY 40742-7130.

If a retiree was not married on the date of retirement, he or she has one year to add the first spouse he or she marries
after retirement to the Survivor Benefit Plan. A written request must be received by DFAS before the first anniversary
of the marriage. For more information contact the SBP counselor at the nearest Air Force installation.